Target Shotgun Festival
Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th March 2026
Saturday 8th March:
- Timed & Precision One
- Multi-Target
- Embassy Cup
- Service Match
🏅 NRA Medals are awarded for competition in each class, based on the amount of entrants:
- 2+: Gold Medal
- 6+: Gold and Silver Medal
- 11+: Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal
Sunday 9th March: Practical Match including multi-positional shooting, which forms a round of the Yearly NRA Shotgun League. As the stages are constructed the day prior, there is no published course of fire, but previous festivals have recommended bringing 75-100 rounds of Birdshot, and 26-35 rounds of Slug ammunition. The match takes half a day, and you can book for either the morning or afternoon (depending on availability). More details onf the NRA Shotgun League can be found HERE
Entry Requirements:
- Shooter Certification Card (SCC): All shooters MUST be in possession of their SCC when shooting on NRA ranges. This is awarded to NRA Members, or by a Club Chairperson (of NRA affiliated Clubs) once a shooter has satisfied criteria as to the shooter’s ability to use firearms and ammunition safely. If not in possession of an SCC, shooters may apply for a temporary SCC by emailing
- NRA Membership: Membership to the NRA is required to shoot on NSC Ranges, and ensures the individual is covered by the NRA insurance package. Non-NRA members are welcome, but are required to pay an additional Non-Member Fee
- On the first day of the Competition you must be aged 14 or over (please contact the Competition Co-ordinator before entering if this is not the case)
Volunteer Crew:
- Saturday: Butt Zero Left & Centre Bay: Solid Slug competitions requiring an events team to deliver T&P1, Multi-Target, Embassy Cup and Service Match, typically 3 volunteers per bay
- Sunday: Butt Zero Left, Centre and Right Bay: Practical Shotgun Match requiring an events team to deliver the dynamic courses of fire under the direction of the on range match director, typically 2 volunteers per bay
CLICK HERE to find out more about the volunteer package and to sign up