The "Reload Swiss" Easter Meeting hosted by the London and Middlesex RA 30th & 31st March 2024
Competitions are open to members of the NRA, or any rifle club affiliated to the NRA
Competition 1 Saturday am from 08.30
- TR: 2ss and 10 to count at 300, and 600 yds
- F Class 2ss and 15 to count at 300, and 600 yds
Competition 2 Saturday pm from 13.30
- TR: 2ss and 7 count at 300 and 600 yds
- F Class 2ss and 10 to count at 300 and 600 yds
Competition 3 Sunday am from 08.30
- TR: 2ss and 10 to count at 300, 500 and 600 yds (Kings 2)
- F Class: 2ss and 15 to count at 300, 500 and 600 yds
Competition 4 Sunday pm from 13.30
- TR: 2ss and 10 to count at 900 and 1000 yds
- F Class: 2ss and 15 to count at 900 and 1000 yds
Competition 5 - The Short Range Aggregate (of competitions 1 and 3)
Competition 6 - The Long Range Aggregate (of competitions 2 and 4)
Competition 7 - The Grand Aggregate (of competitions 1 to 4 inclusive)
Prizes per competition place and discipline (competitions 1-4):
- 1st - £25, 2nd - £15, 3rd - £10
Prizes per competition place and discipline (competitions 5-6):
- TR: 1st - 1kg of RS propellant, 2nd - £15, 3rd - £10
- F Class: 1st - £25, 2nd - £15, 3rd - £10
Prizes for Grand Aggregate per discipline (competition 7):
- TR: 1st – 1kg of RS propellant, 2nd -£25, 3rd - £20
- F Class: 1st – £30, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 (Prizes for F Class will be dependent on sufficient numbers entering.)
All postal entries and enquiries should be addressed to:
The Shooting Manager, LMRA, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey GU24 0PA
E-Mail Or to Enter Online