Target Rifle Imperial Meeting 2025
Friday 18th - Saturday 26th July
The 156th Imperial Meeting includes a number of individual and team competitions, and will conclude on Saturday 26th July with the newly crowned King's Prize winner being chaired down from Stickledown, accompanied by the marching band, Range Officers, fellow competitors and spectators
Programme & Entry Fees:
Friday 18th | Admiral Hutton | £46 | Century | £70 | | |
Saturday 19th | Conan Doyle | £46 | Daily Telegraph | £55 | Donegall | £46 |
Sunday 20th | Alexandra | £46 | Corporation | £46 | Daily Mail | £46 |
Monday 21st | Duke of Cambridge | £46 | Prince of Wales | £55 | Times | £46 |
Tuesday 22nd | Lovell | £46 | St George’s Stage 1 | £56 | Wimbledon | £46 |
Wednesday 23rd | HM King’s Prize Stage 1 | £80 | | | | |
Thursday 24th | St George’s Stage 2 | £23 | | | | |
Friday 25th | HM King’s Prize Stage 2 | £35 | St George’s Final | N/A | | |
Barlow | £40 | King’s Consolation | £70 | Stickledown | £40 |
Saturday 26th | HM King’s Prize Final | N/A | | | | |
Howard Wilkinson | £55 | PW Richardson | £40 | | |
Under 25 Discount: 40% discount off entry fee for those that are under 25 years old on the day of the Event
Non-Member Fees:
- £70.00 Adult
- £63.00 Serving member of HM Forces, or Over 65, or Overseas
- £42.00 Under 25
- £30.00 Under 21. You can receive FREE membership up until your 21st birthday by completing an additional membership application form
- FREE Under 21 and entering the Meeting for the first time
Classes: If you are unsure of your class for this year's Meeting, please visit the NRA Website via this link to lookup your current class
Overseas Competitors: Those wishing to take part from overseas countries need to apply for a Visitor's Firearm Permit - CLICK HERE for details
Entry Requirements:
- Shooter Certification Card (SCC): Each civilian shooting on a MoD or NRA range has to carry a SCC issued by the chairman of a club of which they are a member and which is affiliated to the NRA. Competitors MUST be in possession of their SCC when shooting on NRA ranges. If you do not have an SCC for the type of firearm you wish to participate with please contact the Competition Co-ordinator before entering
- This competition is open to members of Home Office Approved Clubs (HOAC) who are not prohibited under section 21 of the Firearms Act (The NRA is the largest HOAC in the UK). Non-NRA members are welcome, but are required to pay an additional Meeting Member Fee
- On the first day of the Competition you must be aged 14 or over (please contact the Competition Co-ordinator before entering if this is not the case)
NRA Credits: On the final page of the checkout procedure - before you select your payment type - you can apply a credit to your booking. To view the amount of credit on your account please visit your Online Booking Profile Page
🏆🏅Awards: Each event has specific awards, which are detailed in the NRA Handbook (Competitions section). Trophies and Gold medals are presented at the Main Prizegiving on Saturday 26th July in the marquee on Exhibition Lawn