F Class

F Class Imperial Meeting 2024
Start Date:

Thursday 11 July


Entries Open:
Tuesday 05 March 2024 at 10:00
Deadline for Entries:
Monday 24 June 2024 at 12:00
National Shooting Centre, Bisley

Contact Information:

For more information please contact squadding@nra.org.uk 01483 797777 ext. 139

Picture of F Class Imperial Meeting 2024

F Class Imperial Meeting 2024

Thursday 11th - Sunday 14th July

Online entries have now closed. If you wish to enter, please download an return the Entry Form at the bottom of this page. Your entry will be placed in a queue and is subject to any remaining availability

Please read the supporting Event Notes document at the bottom of the page for full details 

Entry Fees: Single Distance shoots £32, Two distance shoots £47. All Finals are FREE for those that qualify

NEW Programme for 2024: Comptitions in the F Class Grand Aggregate are highlighted in orangeWe have noticed a slight error in this year’s NRA Handbook (Bisley Bible), which states that the Corporation (1100x) is included in the Grand Aggregate. This is incorrect, and as per the entry form only the events in Block H are included in the Grand Aggregate

Thursday 11th July: 

  • Morning: Century (300 and 600x)
  • Afternoon: Times (300x), Daily Mail (500x), Wimbledon (600x)

Friday 12th July: 

  • Morning: Alexandra (800x), Admiral Hutton (900x)
  • Afternoon: Donegall (300x), Daily Telegraph (500x), Donaldson Memorial Final (600x)

Saturday 13th July: 

  • Morning: Kent Cup (900x), Dolphin (1000x)
  • Afternoon: Hobson (1000x), Corporation (1100x)

Sunday 14th July: 

  • Morning: St George's Final (900x), Duke of Cambridge (900x), Conan Doyle (1000x)
  • Afternoon: Farquharson Final (1000x), Team Competition (1100x)

Donaldon Memorial (Thursday Qualification): Scores from the Times and Wimbledon form the 1st Stage score

St George's (Friday Qualification): Scores from the Admiral Hutton and Daily Telegraph form the 1st Stage score

Farquharson Prize (Saturday Qualification): Scores from the Kent Cup, Dolphin and Hobson form the 1st Stage score

Divisions: Competitors can compete in either F-Open or FTR, we aim to squad those of the same class on the same target

Entry Requirements:

  • Shooter Certification Card (SCC): Each civilian shooting on a MoD or NRA range has to carry a SCC issued by the chairman of a club of which they are a member and which is affiliated to the NRA. Competitors MUST be in possession of their SCC when shooting on NRA ranges. If you do not have an SCC for the type of firearm you wish to participate with please contact the Competition Co-ordinator before entering
  • This competition is open to members of Home Office Approved Clubs (HOAC) who are not prohibited under section 21 of the Firearms Act (The NRA is the largest HOAC in the UK). Non-NRA members are welcome, but are required to pay an additional Meeting Member Fee
  • On the first day of the Competition you must be aged 14 or over (please contact the Competition Co-ordinator before entering if this is not the case)

Overseas Competitors: Those wishing to take part from overseas countries need to apply for a Visitor's Firearm Permit - CLICK HERE for details

🏆 Prizegivings: Presentation of all medals and trophies will take place at 6.30pm on Sunday 14th July at Council Club (BSG) following the completion of the team competition. We have arranged a BBQ buffet to be served from 6-7pm for £14.50 per person to include Chicken piece, Burger, Sausage, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, Mixed Leaf Salad - all tickets MUST be pre-booked. Any medals that are not collected at Prizegiving will be posted out to competitors in the Autumn

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