Ibis Open Prize Meeting
Start Date:

Saturday 26 April


Contact Information:

Frank Harriss

54 St Andrews Road Malvern WR14 3PP


Picture of Ibis Open Prize Meeting

Your entries are invited for:
Open Prize Meeting
for TR and F-class (FTR and F-Open)

Saturday 26th April, 2025

Prizes in kind* including ‘random’ places from the prize lists.

Winners of TR aggregate, FTR aggregate and F-Open aggregate will receive Trophies (and prizes in kind subject to entry.)
An HPS voucher for the top under-19 TR competitor

The available course of fire this year is
300/600 AM and 900/1000 PM

Closing date for entries: 10th March 2025
This early date is necessitated by the NRA requirement for Meeting target cancellations (without penalty) to be received 6 weeks ahead, sorry.

Entries received after 10th March will be accepted if there is target space.
• by post with cheque enclosed,
• by e-mail with payment by bank transfer (preferred!) www.ibisrifleclub.co.uk.
* to include £50 vouchers from our sponsors HPS Target Rifles, to be awarded according to entry