CSR Advanced Skills Course - May 2025
Start Date:

Saturday 10 May


Bookings Open:
Tuesday 03 December 2024 at 10:00
Entry Deadline:
Monday 05 May 2025 at 12:00
National Shooting Centre, Bisley

Contact Information:

For more information please contact the Shooting Division team via becky.sweet@nra.org.uk

Picture of CSR Advanced Skills Course - May 2025

CSR Advanced Skills Course: Saturday 10th May

This one day Advanced Skills Course is designed to support new and existing CSR competitors to improve their positional shooting techniques. The timing of the skills day is ideal preparation for those entering the CSR Imperial Meeting. The day will include shooting at 100 and 200x, positional techniques, as well as target marking. The emphasis will be on the Application of Fire in each shooting position: prone, sitting, kneeling/squatting and standing. Training will be measured through test Practices under match conditions, and will focus on the Short Range Match. In addition, Dry Training will be conducted as part of background activity

Entry Fee: £84.00 (40% discount off entry fee for those that are under 25 years old on the day of the Event)

Firearms & Ammunition: These are not included in the Course fee, attendees are expected to bring their own. If not yet in possession of a suitable firearm attendees can have use of an NRA AR-15 type rifle for the day, and purchase sufficient ammunition alongside their entry. Both will be issued on the range by the Instructor. For this course we recommend bringing 150 rounds.

Entry Requirement:

  • Shooter Certification Card (SCC): Each civilian shooting on a MoD or NRA range has to carry a SCC issued by the chairman of a club of which they are a member and which is affiliated to the NRA. Attendees MUST be in possession of their SCC when shooting on NRA ranges. For our Skills Courses you are only required to have a valid SCC, it does not need to contain the type of firearm you will be using
  • This course is open to members of Home Office Approved Clubs (HOAC) who are not prohibited under section 21 of the Firearms Act (The NRA is the largest HOAC in the UK). Non-NRA members are welcome, but are required to pay the Non-Member Fee (£11.00)
  • On the first day of the course you must be aged 14 or over (please contact the event Co-ordinator before entering if this is not the case)

Shooter Certification Card (SCC) Assessment: If you are an NRA Member and wish to add "Telescope Rifle" (or “Iron Sighted Rifle” if using an historic service rifle) to your SCC you can undertake an assessment at the end of the day. There is no additional fee, but you will need to advise us when booking that you would like to do the assessment. Non-Members can take the same assessment, and will be presented with a certificate of attendance. Your Club Chairman may then decide to authorise “Telescope Rifle” or “Iron Sighted Rifle” to be added to your SCC