Declaration: Entry Terms and Conditions

Last updated 24.11.23

When entering Target Rifle Imperial Meeting: I undertake to do Special Duties, if required, on any day on which I have entered a squadded competition

When entering on behalf of a team: I confirm that all team members are eligible to compete and will comply with the NRA Rules and Regulations as below

General Terms:

  • I agree I meet the entry criteria as stated within the Event Notes of the Event I am entering
  • I meet at least one of the following conditions that legitimises my access to firearms:
    • I am an individual member of the NRA
    • I make this declaration as a participant in an NRA Guest Day
    • I hold a Firearm Certificate or GB Visitor's Permit permitting me to use, for target shooting, the firearms that I shall fire in this Event
    • I am a member of a Club Approved by the Home Office, the Scottish Ministers or the PSNI and will be shooting as a member of that club and will use any firearm for which I do not hold a Firearm Certificate only in accordance with the applicable exemptions to S1 Firearms Act 1968 as amended
  • I am not a prohibited person within the meaning of Section 21 Firearms Act 1968 (as amended)
  • I have never had a Firearm or Shotgun Certificate refused or revoked. (If you have, please enclose full details in a sealed envelope marked 'Confidential')
  • I agree that I have been warned that ear protection must and eye protection may be required to be worn at all times in the vicinity of all firing points while shooting is in progress, and shall not hold the organiser responsible for any injury resulting from non-compliance therewith. Any mandatory details will be contained within the specific Event Notes for each Event
  • I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate

Competition Terms:

  • I agree to abide by the rules of the National Rifle Association and of the Event and I will accept the decisions of the Event Director or the NRA as final
  • On the first day of the Event I will be aged fourteen years or over; OR I have the written approval of the NRA and the Event director to participate notwithstanding my age.
  • I certify that I am qualified to participate in accordance with the Regulations and hold a current certificate of Safety and Competence, which I will present at the Event
  • I am an individual member of the NRA; or by virtue of at least one of the following I meet the criteria to be granted, and I apply for, temporary membership of the NRA for the duration of the Event:
    • I hold a UK Firearm Certificate, GB Visitor’s Firearm Permit or Permit under S7 Firearms Act 1968 authorising possession of a full-bore rifle, small-bore rifle or muzzle-loading pistol
    • I am a full member of a club Approved by the Home Office, the Scottish Ministers or the PSNI
    • I am a present member of HM Forces and have current military certification of competence with a full-bore rifle

  • I agree that results of a Competition and classifications may be published on the internet or elsewhere containing my name, competitor number, class and score
  • I understand that if I have debts to NRA or NSC Ltd over 90 days outstanding, squadding cards will not be issued to me until these have been settled in full

Further Terms:

Any additional terms, such as cancellation policies, will be detailed in the specific Event Notes for each Event